My understanding of Multimedia


My understanding of Multimedia

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The multimedia approach is the most effective way to facilitate us students' learning and development. It assists us, particularly me, in easily understanding concepts, solving problems, and analyzing data. I can learn at home without the extra help of a personal teacher or instructor, who typically takes the time to explain everything in detail one at a time. I can access multimedia tutorials at any time during their work schedule as well as after school hours because it allows easy access to course material, tests, and quizzes.                                                                         

photo courtesy of  Dreamstime

Multimedia is a term that encompasses any medium that allows the user to navigate, engage, create and communicate using a computer. Multimedia can be used to advertise your product if you're in business industry, it can be used in your presentation to make it creative and effective for clients.

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Multimedia has also been used extensively in the entertainment sector, especially for creating special effects in films and video games. The most visible illustration of the emergence of multimedia in entertainment is music and video apps. 

~ Isabel Ashley S. Pasa
