ICT as Medium for Teaching / Learning

                                          ICT as Medium for Teaching / Learning

 a. The singing of the national anthem

         photo courtesy of Philippine Daily Inquirer

When I was in grade school, we always raise the Philippine flag and singing the national anthem when there was a flag ceremony. The use of the Internet and advanced technology in the singing of our national anthem allows for better presentation. With the use of a microphone and an audio file linked to a speaker, we are not restricted to a conductor or one vocalist who can conduct us. We now have many students who can sing well despite their range being higher than is required for this patriotic song.

b. Presentation of visual aids

photo courtesy of obe.wisc.edu

ICT has transformed the way we present ourselves in class. We're now able to communicate effectively and more efficiently with the help of video calls and zoom meetings or google meet, as compared to our good old methods such as Manila paper and pentel pens. This also means that visual aids in our presentations have improved with the help of modern graphic design apps.

c. Class record
photo courtesy of Edutopia

The use of ICT has transformed in a variety of ways. Teachers now have more time to teach because they use laptops and cellphones for school records. When a teacher uses these devices instead of writing by hand, they save time and can thus focus more on the students. Additionally, when teachers use computers and laptops, their workload will be lessened because these technologies make it simpler to complete certain tasks, which will relieve teachers of their heavy workload.

d. Class dismissal

              photo courtesy of Goodreads

Class dismissals, once a daily occurrence in schools, are now a thing of the past. But this has not diminished our ability to interact with teachers and their knowledge; it has just changed the way we interact. We no longer have classes but instead have occasional zoom meetings and classes via video calls in messenger. Though we miss the old way of saying farewells to our teachers face-to-face, we still say our goodbyes and thanks through our phone screens. But now that I am a Senior High School student and we're back to our normal school routine.

e. Assignment and research
photo courtesy of c4l.net

ICT has undoubtedly changed the way we learn. Assignments, in my opinion, are significantly more difficult because you must conduct your own research without the assistance of classmates or friends. For example, if I am having difficulty understanding a topic in class and ask my teacher for assistance, he or she will ensure that I understand the lesson before moving on to another. When doing research for assignments, on the other hand, it can be difficult to find information about specific subjects, especially when you're not sure if what you're looking for is correct or not. Google is the most useful tool in these situations. Although it may be frustrating at first due to all of the false information available, having an idea will eventually bring results.

~ Isabel Ashley s. Pasa


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